Samar Mogharbel on Dorothy Salhab Kazemi [On Women By Women in Art]


Samar Mogharbel, born in Beirut, was trained with Dorothy Salhab Kazemi, the first ceramics artist in Lebanon and the Middle East. Later, she went to Goldsmith’s College in London, where she received a postgraduate diploma in ceramics. She has been involved in the excavation in downtown Beirut that influenced much of her work. In 2005, after the assassination of several major politicians, she made 6 booby-trapped cars using ceramics, which were awarded the Sursock Museum Prize. They were later cast in bronze and exhibited in London in 2011. She has had several solo exhibitions in Beirut and a major exhibition at the Millesgardem Museum in Sweden, and several group exhibition worldwide, in Lebanon, Croatia, France and the UAE. Mogharbel was awarded a special mention at the Salon d’Automne of the Sursock Museum in 1998, the first Prize of the Sursock museum in 2006 and the silver plaque at the Zagreb Clay Fest in Croatia. “Without Trace” is Samar Mogharbel’s second solo exhibition at Agial Art Gallery.

The discussions are moderated by Dr. Yasmine Nachabe Taan, Director of the Institute of Art in the Arab World at the Lebanese American University.


This series brings together different perspectives to question disciplinary assumptions and decenter life writing. It is a collaboration between LAWHA at the Orient-Institut Beirut, the American University of Beirut and the Global (De)Centre, generously funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

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