Artist, Curator, Writer & Editor Omar Kholeif [afikra Conversations]


Did “Arabness” die in 1973? How meaningful is the word Arab now anyway? And what role does the internet play in visual culture and civic imagination? In this multifaceted conversation with Dr Omar Kholeif, we explore many strands of thought, venturing from Arab culture as a “creole culture” to looking at the internet as a “pesky medium”. We share afikra’s core tenets and philosophy and reflect on key players in the production of Arab pop culture now in 2023.

Dr Omar Kholeif is an Egyptian-born artist, author, broadcaster, edit and curator (among other things). They are currently director of collections and senior curator at the Sharjah Art Foundation. Kholeif started their career as a music writer, researcher and documentary producer, going on to found the UK’s first Arab Film Festival (now called the Safar Film festival). They have since worked across film, media, fine art and visual culture. They have taught at many institutions including the University of Chicago and University of Oxford.

About Conversations

afikra Conversations is our flagship program featuring long-form interviews with experts from academia, art, ‎and media who are helping document and/or shape the histories and cultures of the Arab world through their ‎work. Our hope is that by having the guest share their expertise and story, the community still walks away with new ‎found curiosity - and maybe some good recommendations about new nerdy rabbit holes to dive into head first. ‎

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